来源 / Source: [2016] RC Egg 复活节 / 2016 Easter
时尚王 / Fashion King
合成条件 / Craft Materials: 心灵感应 (Soul Induction) x 99

趴趴狗 / Leaning Dog
合成条件 / Craft Materials: 心灵感应 (Soul Induction) x 299

蛤蟆镜 / Yurt
合成条件 / Craft Materials: 心灵感应 (Soul Induction) x 599
(missing photo)
祝福花束 / Blessing Bouquet
合成条件 / Craft Materials: 心灵感应 (Soul Induction) x 899
(missing photo)
Special thanks to 碧° for material source
Credits to Ye, Sey & rockkyy