您可以从商城以每个 500 R币 的价格购买 Unbound Essence。 用它作为合成这些物品的原料!
You can buy an Unbound Essence from the shop for 500 RC each. Use it as an ingredient to craft these items!
原色温度礼包-女(随机包装)/ Primary Color Temperature Gift Pack F (Random Pack)

原色温度礼包-男(随机包装)/ Primary Color Temperature Gift Pack M (Random Pack)

原色围橙礼包-女(随机包装)/ Primary Color Around the Orange Gift Pack F (Random Pack)

原色围橙礼包-男(随机包装)/ Primary Color Around the Orange Gift Pack M (Random Pack)

蝶舞仙境(可赠)/ Butterfly Wonderland (Giftable)

黑暗王朝V(可赠)/ Dark Dynasty V (Giftable)

Credits to Sey & rockkyy