From 9888 Pig Peggy Title pack on TOUCH 4Games
王子殿下 / Royal highness prince
C位出道 / C position debut
社会人 / Social person
灯火阑珊 / Dimly lights
巴拉拉小魔仙 / Balala Little Magic Fairy
仙女下凡 / Fairy under the
放纵的青春 / Indulgent youth
鄙人余生愿闻其详 / I want to be the right in your left life
我是小仙女 / Little fairy
自爱沉稳而爱人 / Love yourself then others
可盐可甜 / Salty and sweet

暮然回首 / Suddenly look back
后宫三千又何妨 / Why is the harem three thousand?
女王殿下 / Your majesty
春眠不觉晓处对象可好 / Be my friends
一别两宽各自生欢 / Better life after breakup
无事献殷勤非常喜欢你 / Like you so much
爱你一生一世 / Love you forever
近朱者赤近你者甜 / You're so sweet
Credits to яainne, Chenyiru, 鸽子, 碧° Amour, Sey & rockkyy