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凤凰涅槃合成 / Phoenix Rebirth Craft

Updated: Dec 19, 2021


  1. 云狐 / Cloud Fox (国庆节 / National Day Egg)

  2. 恶魔吉他 / Demon Guitar (中秋节 / Mid Autumn)

  3. 甜蜜洋车 / Rickshaw (七夕节 / Qixi)

  4. 魔法扫帚 / Magic Broom (欢乐暑期 / Summertime Egg)

  5. 丝韵小提琴 / Giov Violin (万圣节 / Halloween Egg)

云狐 / Cloud Fox (国庆节 / National Day Egg)

恶魔吉他 / Demon Guitar (中秋节 / Mid Autumn)

甜蜜洋车 / Rickshaw (七夕节 / Qixi)

魔法扫帚 / Magic Broom (欢乐暑期 / Summertime Egg)

丝韵小提琴 / Giov Violin (万圣节 / Halloween Egg)

Credits to Sey, yzu, Amour, rockkyy, Asy, Vsy


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