极品火焰之翼 / Wings of Flame Epic

火焰之翼 / Wings of Flame

合成条件 / Materials:
双人床 / Double Bed (七夕彩蛋 / 2013 Qixi Egg)
玄月之舟 / Crescent Boat (中秋国庆彩蛋 / 2013 Mid Autumn Egg)
感恩心莲 / Lotus of Gratitude (感恩节彩蛋 / 2013 Thanksgiving Egg)
恶灵骑士 / Ghost Rider (圣诞彩蛋 / 2013 Christmas Egg)
双人床 / Double Bed (七夕彩蛋 / 2013 Qixi Egg)

玄月之舟 / Crescent Boat (中秋国庆彩蛋 / 2013 Mid Autumn Egg)

感恩心莲 / Lotus of Gratitude (感恩节彩蛋 / 2013 Thanksgiving Egg)

恶灵骑士 / Ghost Rider (圣诞彩蛋 / 2013 Christmas Egg)

Credits to TOUCH VN, touch触动吧 , ναℓe, Sey & rockkyy