一等奖:漫芳原色礼包(女)/ 1st Prize: Primary Color Fragrance Gift Pack (F)

一等奖:漫芳原色礼包(男)/ 1st Prize: Primary Color Fragrance Gift Pack (M)

二等奖:魅月原色礼包(女)/ 2nd Prize: Primary Color Charm Moon Clothing Gift Pack (F)

二等奖:魅月原色礼包(男)/ 2nd Prize: Primary Color Charm Moon Clothing Gift Pack (M)

三等奖:200代R卡 / 3rd Prize: 200CR Card
四等奖:往期礼券 / 4th Prize: Previous Eggs
五等奖:38期原色门票 / 5th Prize: 38th Week Primary Color Ticket
合成 / Craft
38期原色门票 x5 = 38期原色任务奖励
38th Week Primary Color Ticket x5 = 38th Week Primary Color Mission Rewards
绑定币 / 游戏币 / 跨服喇叭 / 38期原色精华
38th Week Primary Color Mission Rewards (Random Pack)
you can get any of the following:
BRC / Credits / Cross-Server Horn / 38th Week Primary Color Essence
38th Week Primary Color Essence is used to craft high-grade fashion packs, pose cards and titles
漫芳(极品)/ Primary Fragrance (High Grade)

魅月(极品)/ Primary Charm Moon (High Grade)

别踩我的切尔西(称号)/ Don't Step on My Chelsea (Title)
《没有可用的图片 / no picture available》
无所谓我会出手(称号)/ It Doesn't Matter, I'll Do It (Title)
《没有可用的图片 / no picture available》
POSE猫咪座 / Cats Block Pose

38th Week Primary Color Essence is also used to craft other high-grade fashion packs
结弦(极品)/ Yuzuru (High Grade)

悦无(极品)/ Yue Wu (High Grade)

绑定这些时装以领取该称号 / Bind these sets to claim these titles.
《没有可用的图片 / no picture available》
(绑定原色漫芳-极品 / Bind Primary Color Yue Wu - High Grade)
《没有可用的图片 / no picture available》
(绑定原色魅月-极品 / Bind Primary Color Charm Moon - High Grade)
Credits to Sey & rockkyy