There are 2 levels of hidden personalities: 1,000 personalities and 2,000 personalities. To unlock these items, all 5 personalities (cute, cool, gentle, evil, humor) must either be at 1000 or 2000. Once unlocked, you can find the crafting interface at the first page of each baby ability.

(从神秘魔药中仍然能获得饰品 x1,宝宝动作卡 x1,或代R币卡。
You will still randomly get either an accessory, a baby card, or a CR card from each mysterious potion.)
1000满属性隐藏 / 1000 Personalities:
隐藏神秘魔药 / Hidden Mysterious Potion
极光六翼天使-稀有(白-黑)/ Aurora Angle-Rare (WT-BK)

极光六翼天使(粉-蓝-黄)/ Aurora Angle (PK-BU-YL)

2000满属性隐藏 / 2000 Personalities:
极品神秘魔药 / Super Mysterious Potion
精灵羽翼-稀有(白-黑) / Pixy Wings-Rare (WT-BK)

精灵羽翼(粉-蓝-黄)/ Pixy Wings (PK-BU-YL)


Credits to TOUCH VN, Sey & rockkyy
Special thanks to 碧° for the Chinese translations