一等奖坐骑 / 1st Prize Mount: 梦幻油纸伞(直开)/ Dream Paper Umbrella (Non Craft)

(有单卡和情侣卡 / has single and couple profile poses)
一等奖时装(稀有)/ 1st Prize Set Rare: 国风 / Country Style

一等奖时装(可选)/ 1st Prize Set (Opt): 国风 / Country Style

二等奖稀有的女时装 / 2nd Prize Set Rare F: 织月 / Zhi Yue

二等奖女时装 / 2nd Prize Set F: 织月 / Zhi Yue

二等奖稀有的男时装 / 2nd Prize Set Rare M: 织月 / Zhi Yue

二等奖男时装 / 2nd Prize Set M: 织月 / Zhi Yue

三等奖:饰品礼包 / 3rd Prize: Accessories Package
四等奖:经典动作礼包 / 4th Prize: Classic Action Gift Pack
五等奖:47五等门票 / 5th Prize: 47th Week 5th Class Ticket
47期五等门票 x5 = 47期五等奖励
47th Week 5th Class Ticket x5 = 47th Week 5th Class Rewards
绑定币 / 游戏币 / 跨服喇叭 / 往期彩蛋
47th Week 5th Class Rewards (Random Pack)
you can get any of the following:
BRC / Credits / Cross-Server Horn / Previous Eggs
Credits to Sey & rockkyy