一等奖合成的坐骑 / 1st Prize Craft Mount: 双人晚餐桌 / Dinner Table

(有单卡和情侣卡 / has single and couple profile poses)
合成条件 / Craft Materials:
晚餐桌碎片 (Dinner Table Fragment) x2 + 晚餐桌精华 (Dinner Table Essence) x1

一等奖稀有的装 / 1st Prize Rare Set: 歆香 / Xinxiang

一等奖装 / 1st Prize Set: 歆香 / Xinxiang

二等奖稀有的女时装 / 2nd Prize Set Rare F: 缘琪 / Marche

二等奖女时装 / 2nd Prize Set F: 缘琪 / Marche

二等奖稀有的男时装 / 2nd Prize Set Rare M: 缘琪 / Marche

二等奖男时装 / 2nd Prize Set M: 缘琪 / Marche

Credits to Sey & rockkyy