一等奖坐骑 / 1st Prize Mount: 环游世界 (直开) / Travel Around the World (Non-Craft)

一等奖女时装 / 1st Prize Set F: 钟意 / Zhong Yi / Love

一等奖男时装 / 1st Prize Set M: 钟意 / Zhong Yi / Love

二等奖稀有的女时装 / 2nd Prize Set Rare F: 酷月/ Kuyue / Cool Month

二等奖女时装 / 2nd Prize Set F: 酷月/ Kuyue / Cool Month

二等奖稀有的男时装 / 2nd Prize Set Rare M: 酷月/ Kuyue / Cool Month

二等奖男时装 / 2nd Prize Set M: 酷月/ Kuyue / Cool Month

Credits to TOUCH 7K7K, Amour, Sey & rockkyy